Tauranga Historical Society’s 2020 Vintage Garden Party was abuzz with one of the largest crowds seen at the Brain Watkins House in the 40-plus years the Garden Party has been going. A colourful gathering of more than 200 people enjoyed the music, stalls, food and fashion. Many visitors took the opportunity to dress up in period costume, which was much appreciated by the Society.
Society member Bev Hodges, who ran the ‘Gangster Mug Shot’ booth, takes the photograph of two visitors who dressed up for the occasion Image: Fiona Kean, private collection |
The crowd gathers for the fashion show that took place on the back lawn of the Brain Watkins House Image: Fiona Kean, private collection |
The fashion show, coordinated by Amy Turner, was a real highlight of the afternoon and featured vintage wedding dresses from the '40s, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s and 2000s. Many of the gowns' owners were present to see their dresses modelled and this was a lovely feature of the show.
Emily wearing a 1983 belonging to Carole Signal Image: Lee Switzer, private collection |
Glorious colours in this 2011 wedding gown worn by the bride Pushpinder Image: Lee Switzer, private collection |
Wedding dresses were also sprinkled throughout the Brain Watkins House and included a display celebrating the wedding photography of Alf Rendell. The display was a collaboration between the Tauranga Historical Society and the Tauranga Heritage Collection and featured Barbara Murray’s beautiful gown which she wore in 1955.
Barbara Murray in front of display boards that captured her 1955 Tauranga wedding. Barbara’s wedding dress and items from her going away outfit were also on display in the Brain Watkins House Image: Lee Switzer, private collection |
The Society would like to thank everyone who supported the event, from Society members who gave their time and talents to the public who attended in record numbers. Funds raised will go towards the care of the Brain Watkins House and the continued protection and promotion of heritage in Tauranga. If you would like to join the Society contact us at
A beautiful 1940s wedding dress modelled by Arumia Image: Lee Switzer, private collection |
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