
Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Tauranga Historical Society’s Vintage Garden Party 2019

Talented dancers perform moves from the 1950’s at the Tauranga Historical Society’s Vintage Garden Party, Sunday 3 March 2019. Image: Lee Switzer, Private Collection
A fun and festive vintage garden party, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Society’s custodianship of the Brain Watkins House, was enjoyed by a large and colourful crowd on Sunday. A highlight of the afternoon was a fashion show co-ordinated by Amy Turner. It featured clothing from her own vintage collection, while inside the house visitors were able to enjoy a display of garments, dating from the 1930s, that once belonged to sisters Elva and Bessie Brain.

Fashion parade model wearing a vintage dress is admired by the crowd.
Image: Lee Switzer, Private Collection
Society members received many positive comments about the afternoon, including this email:
Well done to the Historical Society team for how this afternoon flowed (from a first time attendee.) The music was great and that Welsh fiddle player really complimented Marion Art’s guitar and voice. I loved the fashion parade and the dances between runway walks. The models were great, their clothes wonderful, hairstyles astonishing, hats, shoes etc. - very professional. I appreciated my tour of the house and talked to each of the guides (Shirley, Lois, Susan and Justine) and learned something from each of them. I loved the timeline and even noted the first jazz festival was included! I seemed to be the only person reading the timeline but other people in the room were responding to the artefacts. Thanks for having such a wonderful celebration!
Tauranga Historical Society President, Julie Green, opening the garden party.
Image: Lee Switzer, Private Collection

Stall organiser Beth Bowden (far right wearing hat) admires garments for sale with Society member Justine Neal. Image: Lee Switzer, Private Collection

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